Monthly archives: June 2015

Leadership is a complex art, but there are a couple of mavericks who have it down. When I completed my Cert IV in Frontline Management, two things really stood out for me – the amazing experience of being mentored, and the subtlety of good leadership. Click the graphic to zip […]


I introduce structure to activities to pace and engage, but prefer the script to remain loose and conversational in both the traditional and the Laurillard senses. Affordance Compass is designed to be presented/played with a group of around 20, most of whom have an idea about the principles of learning […]

affordance compass – the game

Gale Parchoma’s Contested Ontology of Affordances was an epic read, ranging over a landscape so broad I struggled to grasp the bigger picture. There are so many inter-related / overlapping ideas and contradictions that I wondered whether others would also find it challenging. And because I was presenting this very deep, […]

affordance compass